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C-Chain is one of the three chain in the Avalanche network, a short for “Contract Chain”. It is the chain dedicated to the creation of Ethereum-compatible smart contract. It is currently the most populated and complex.
The C-Chain page on Avascan is divided in three sections:
Top left of the page you can see the current total number of transactions on the chain.
You can filter results by:
TX type: Import (TXs bridging in from X-Chain) , Export (TXs bridging out to X-Chain), ERC20 (TXs involving the trasfer of ERC20 tokens), ERC721 (TXs involving the trasfer of NFTs)
Time span: it is possible to only show txs occurred during a certain time span
The following columns are displayed as results:
Hash: here you can see the TransactionID and the TX sender and receiver
Block Age: how long ago the TX happened and the date and hour of the event
Avax Amount: the amount of $AVAX involved in the TX
Status: represented with three icons Success, Failed or Reverted
Top left of the page you can see the current total number of blocks on the chain
You can filter results by time span (already explained above)
The results are displayed in few columns:
Height: the number of blocks before the one involved in the TX
Age: how long ago the block has been accepted onto the chain, with date and hour as well
Transactions: the number of TX in the block
Gas used: gas used in the block
Total burned: the amount of $AVAX burned in the block
Volume: the amount of $AVAX transferred in the block
Size: the width of the block expressed in bytes
In this page you can switch between ERC20 and ERC721; visiting the relative page you can see the total number of tokens present on the Avalanche chain.
You can also filter results switching on and off the Bridged button in the ERC20 page in order to show the bridged one only.
The results are displayed in the following columns:
Name: smart contract name
Contract address
Created at: the date and time of the token creation
Total supply: for bridged or multichain tokens, this number only refers to the supply in the Avalanche network