AVAX Genesis

In this page you can see the total $AVAX supply generated on mainnet at launch (360 M $AVAX, the so called โ€œGenesis eventโ€). This supply is divided in two branches:

  • Timelocked: those tokens are still under vesting conditions and will be unlocked each in a scheduled time

  • Not timelocked: those tokens are part of the circulating supply and can freely circulate in the market

So: Unlocked $AVAX from the genesis event + Staking rewards to Validators - Burned fees= Circulating supply

Genesis Unlock

In this graphic a preview of the unlocking pattern scheduled through the years for all the generated $AVAX in the Genesis event (already explained above). In the Y axis there is the amount of $AVAX by M, in the X axis the time divided by years. If you move your cursor on it you can see the total amount unlocked per quarter.

Genesis Allocation

This section explains in full details the division of the token by: Sale, Bounties, Team and Ecosystem. Giving the user a general idea of not only the number of $AVAX but their relative structure.


  • Seed Sale: the first ever $AVAX sale

  • Private Sale: the second main $AVAX sale

  • Public sale option A1/A2: open to the public

  • Public sale option B: open to the public


  • Airdrop: various and separate airdrop to generate awareness towards Avalanche

  • Denali Testnet Incentive Program: testnet programs

Team: those funds are allocated to the various team members of Ava labs


  • Foundation: allocated to the Avalanche Foundation

  • Strategic partners: for all the business companies involving Avalanche

  • Community and developer edowment: the dev core of the network

Last updated